0 Success 1 00000 2 Cursor is not updateable 3 01000 4 Cursor library not used. Load failed 5 01000 6 Cursor library not used. Insufficient driver support 7 01000 8 Cursor library not used. Version mismatch with driver manager 9 01000 10 The driver returned SQL_SUCCESS_WITH_INFO; the warning message may be lost 11 01000 12 Data truncated 13 01004 14 Error in row 15 01S01 16 Option value changed 17 01S02 18 No rows updated or deleted 19 01S03 20 More than one row updated or deleted 21 01S04 22 Cancel treated as FreeStmt/Close 23 01S05 24 Connection in use 25 08002 26 Connection not open 27 08003 28 Numeric value out of range 29 22003 30 Invalid cursor state 31 24000 32 Invalid cursor name 33 34000 34 Syntax error or access violation 35 37000 36 Driver does not support this function 37 IM001 38 Data source name not found and no default driver specified 39 IM002 40 Specified driver could not be loaded 41 IM003 42 Driver's SQLAllocEnv failed 43 IM004 44 Driver's SQLAllocConnect failed 45 IM005 46 Driver's SQLSetConnectOption failed 47 IM006 48 Dialog failed 49 IM008 50 Data source name too long 51 IM010 52 Driver name too long 53 IM011 54 DRIVER keyword syntax error 55 IM012 56 Trace file error 57 IM013 60 General error: Unable to create file buffer 61 S1000 62 General error: Unable to read from file buffer 63 S1000 64 General error: Unable to write to file buffer 65 S1000 66 General error: Unable to close or remove file buffer 67 S1000 68 Memory allocation failure 69 S1001 70 Invalid column number 71 S1002 72 Program type out of range 73 S1003 74 SQL data type out of range 75 S1004 76 Operation canceled 77 S1008 78 Invalid argument value 79 S1009 80 Function sequence error 81 S1010 82 Operation invalid at this time 83 S1011 84 Invalid transaction operation code specified 85 S1012 86 No cursor name available 87 S1015 88 Invalid string or buffer length 89 S1090 90 Descriptor type out of range 91 S1091 92 Option type out of range 93 S1092 94 Invalid parameter number 95 S1093 96 Invalid scale value 97 S1094 98 Function type out of range 99 S1095 100 Information type out of range 101 S1096 102 Column type out of range 103 S1097 104 Scope type out of range 105 S1098 106 Nullable type out of range 107 S1099 108 Uniqueness option type out of range 109 S1100 110 Accuracy option type out of range 111 S1101 112 Direction option out of range 113 S1103 114 Invalid parameter type 115 S1105 116 Fetch type out of range 117 S1106 118 Row value out of range 119 S1107 120 Concurrency option out of range 121 S1108 122 Invalid cursor position 123 S1109 124 Invalid driver completion 125 S1110 126 Driver not capable 127 S1C00 128 Cursor library not capable 129 S1C00 130 Cursor library not capable. Forward only cursors must be read only 131 S1C00 132 Positioned request cannot be performed because no searchable columns were bound 133 SL001 134 Positioned request cannot be performed because result set was generated by a join condition 135 SL002 136 Bound buffer exceeds max segment size 137 SL003 138 Result set was not generated by a SELECT statement 139 SL004 140 SELECT statement contains a GROUP BY clause 141 SL005 142 Parameter arrays are not supported with positioned requests 143 SL006 144 Row size exceeds max cache buffer size 145 SL007 146 SQLGetData is not allowed on a forward-only (non-buffered) cursor 147 SL008 148 No columns were bound prior to calling SQLExtendedFetch 149 SL009 150 SQLBindCol returned SQL_ERROR during an attempt to bind to an internal buffer 151 SL010 152 Statement option is only valid after calling SQLExtendedFetch 153 SL011 154 HSTMT bindings may not be changed while a cursor is open 155 SL012 156 A positioned request was issued and not all column count fields were buffered 157 SL014 158 Attempt to fetch before the result set returned the first rowset 159 01S06 160 Invalid use of default parameter 161 07S01 162 Indicator variable required but not supplied 163 22002 339 [Microsoft][ODBC Driver Manager] 768 [Microsoft][ODBC Cursor Library] 1300 OD&BC 1301 Unable to obtain required memory. Please exit immediately. 1302 Maintains ODBC data sources and drivers 1303 odbcinst.hlp 1304 32bit ODBC Administrator 1305 Are you sure you want to remove the %s data source? 1306 Are you sure you want to remove the %s ODBC driver and those data sources which use the driver? 1307 A:\ 1308 Not marked 1309 %d%c%03d%c%03d bytes 1310 %d%c%03d bytes 1311 %d%c%02d%c%02d%s 1312 %02d%c%02d%c%02d%s 1313 The setup routines for the %s ODBC driver could not be found. Please reinstall the driver. 1314 The setup routines for the %s ODBC driver could not be loaded. You may be low on memory and need to quit a few applications. 1315 The setup routines for the %s ODBC driver could not be accessed. Please reinstall the driver. 1316 %s is not a Windows executable 1317 %s is not a Windows 32 bit executable 1318 No ODBC.INF file could be found. Please change installation disks or select a new drive. 1319 The installation information file could not be opened. The disk may be corrupted. 1320 Please insert the disk labeled %s into %s 1321 Are you sure you want to replace the %s ODBC driver version %d.%02d.%02d%02d with version %d.%02d.%02d%02d? 1322 The file %s is currently in use and cannot be removed or updated. Try closing all applications and choosing Retry. 1323 \n\nIf you have already retried, you may need to restart Windows or run Setup directly from the disk containing ODBC (if you are not already). 1324 The file %s on the installation disk could not be opened. The installation information file may be corrupted. Please change installation disks. 1325 The file %s could not be replaced. Restart Windows and try installing again (before running any applications which use ODBC). 1326 An error occurred while copying %s. Restart Windows and try installing again (before running any applications which use ODBC). 1327 Some of the files were not installed. You will need to reinstall the drivers before they can be used. 1328 There is insufficient space to copy the necessary files. Please remove unnecessary files from your system and try installing again. 1329 The ODBC driver could not entirely delete the data source. Do you want to remove the entry anyway? 1330 The selected ODBC drivers contain too many files to install all at once. Please install fewer ODBC drivers at a time. 1331 The ODBC install process has been canceled. 1332 There is insufficient space on drive %c: to install all of the ODBC drivers you have selected. Choose fewer drivers or remove unnecessary files from your system and try installing again. 1333 The requested installation information file, %s, could not be found. The installation disks may be corrupted. 1340 Driver Manager 1341 Driver 1342 Translator 1343 Warning: Once enabled, tracing continues until it is turned off using this dialog box. Unwanted tracing may slow the performance of your applications. 1344 Select ODBC Trace File 1345 Trace Files(*.log)|*.log|All Files(*.*)|*.*| 1346 (32 bit) 1350 1351 The setup routines for the %s ODBC translator could not be found. Please reinstall the translator. 1352 The setup routines for the %s ODBC translator could not be loaded. You may be low on memory and need to quit a few applications. 1353 The setup routines for the %s ODBC translator could not accessed. Please reinstall the translator. 1354 The translator routines for the %s ODBC translator could not be found. Please reinstall the translator. 1360 The installation information file contains an error and cannot be used. The ODBC Drivers section is missing. 1361 The installation information file contains an error and cannot be used. The %s section is missing the Driver entry. 1362 The installation information file contains an error and cannot be used. The %s section is missing the Translator entry. 1363 The installation information file contains an error and cannot be used. The ODBC Driver Manager section is missing. 1364 The installation information file contains an error and cannot be used. The ODBC section is missing. 1365 The installation information file contains an error and cannot be used. The ODBC Administrator section is missing. 1366 The installation information file contains an error and cannot be used. The Windows 3.0 Files section is missing. 1370 An unknown error occurred during installation. Try installing again after restarting Windows. 1380 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- \n 1381 ; WARNING: Do not make changes to this file without using the ODBC Control \n 1382 ; panel device or other utilites provided for maintaining data \n 1383 ; sources. \n 1384 ; \n 1385 ; Incorrect changes to this file could prevent ODBC from \n 1386 ; operating or operating correctly. \n 1387 ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------- 1390 Cannot install on this platform. 1395 Driver information could not be found in INF file 1396 Translator information could not be found in INF file 1397 \n\nChoose Ignore if you want to skip this file. 1398 32bit O&DBC 1399 Maintains 32 bit ODBC data sources and drivers 1400 Cannot connect to %s 1401 Select the computer on which you wish to configure system DSNs 1402 ConfigDriver is not supported by %s ODBC driver. 1403 Cannot install file %s. It might be in use. Try closing all applications and choosing Retry. 1616 Microsoft ODBC Administrator